Sunday, November 25, 2007

Mama's Sweet Boy

For a while we had a strict bedtime routine of bath, stories, etc. Sometimes we'd spend a couple of hours on this routine, so when Lucas went on this bath strike we decided to loosen up and just let him tell us when he was ready for bed. It turns out that the routine didn't do much for us. We could spend two hours reading stories or doing nothing of the sort and Lucas would still ask to go night-night around 9pm. Either way he's up several times during the night. Anyway, on this particular night about a week ago Lucas crawled into my arms and just fell asleep. He is not a cuddler, so it was a special night for me. It turns out that he had a slight fever. Whatever, I'll take it. I was so moved that I had Jeff take a few pictures of the sweet baby in my arms...

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