Sunday, December 09, 2007

36 Things About Lucas

1. He likes to eat a pear when we go grocery shopping.

2. He's always up for a game of naming body parts.

3. When he's tired of doing something, like playing a game, he locks eyes with us and shows us the sign for "all done".

4. When he sees something that excited him he exclaims, "Wowwwww!"

5. When he wakes up he doesn't cry, but calls out, "Ma-MUH"

6. He likes to be rocked to sleep these days.

7. He likes to act silly when it's time for a diaper change, but if we say please he will usually plop down on his back to be serviced.

8. His favorite part of Kindermusik is the stamps he gets on each hand after class.

9. He likes to copy his da-da when he does sit-ups. He puts his hands on his ears and shakes his head back and forth.

10. He likes to help out around the house. He helps us unload the dishwasher, throw away trash, put laundry away, bring everyone shoes when it's time to go, and of course sweep.

11. His favorite Christmas character is Frosty.

12. When we are eating dinner he likes to play a game where he points at everything around us and waits for us to name it.

13. He likes to put his food in his water... and then drink it.

14. He peed in the shower today and thought it was hilarious.

15. He sometimes shows us the sign for bathroom and says "pee-pee" when it's time for a diaper change.

16. He likes for me to hum "Hush, Little Baby" when I'm rocking him to sleep. If I stop humming he does the sign for "more".

17. When we wake up in the morning he puts his face one inch from mine and grins until I open my eyes.

18. He doesn't like to ride in a stroller.

19. He runs everywhere he goes.

20. His favorite real food is broccoli.

21. His favorite junk food is ice cream - he asks for it by going to the freezer and licking his hand (like an ice cream cone).

22. The past few times I've taken him to the park he's just wanted to stay in my arms.

23. If he sees Jeff's glasses sitting somewhere he makes his sucking in sound, grabs the glasses, says "da-da" and runs off to find Jeff and give him his glasses.

24. If he sees a knife, or something else sharp, he says "owwww!"

25. He saw Jeff putting on a band aid today and said "boo-boo"

26. Jeff wanted a hug the other day and pretended to be crying because Lucas wasn't giving him one... Lucas looked really concerned and rushed over to hug him.

27. Lucas gives the best hugs - tight squeeze around the neck with a pat on the back.

28. When we put Vaseline on his chapped lips he tries to bite our finger as he giggles.

29. When he's tired he gets whiny and when he's ready for bed he puts his hand to his ear and runs into his room.

30. The other night he woke up around 1am, yelled for me, and then climbed in the rocking chair to wait for me.

31. He likes to put on Jeff's swim cap.

32. He gets his hair styled most days. We go into our bathroom, put Lucas on the counter, wet his hair, and the brush it and dry it. He looks into the mirror and grins at himself.

33. He has all of his teeth (except for 2yr molars).

34. He insists on holding Tyson's leash on walks now.

35. I think his favorite animal right now is an elephant.

36. He can be bribed with stickers.


Jennifer said...

These boys are so much a like its scary! Please tell Kim that we LOVE the overalls. I need to update Ty's list soon because he is already doing so much more. Love ya!

Frances Katrin said...

Number 30 is my favorite!