Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Great Book

SaSa got me this book for Christmas and we are having a lot of fun with it. It tells you what to look for when you're shopping for fruits and veggies. It's the kind of book that you can reference and don't have to read cover to cover. I went straight to the "winter veggies" section and discovered that brussel sprouts and greens are great this time of year. I don't think Jeff or I had ever had brussel sprouts, but we sauteed them in some garlic and olive oil and they were delish. We went to the farmer's market the next day and stocked up on different kinds of greens because apparently they are best when cooked together. How convenient that we did this just in time for New Years Day dinner! Lucas thought the collard greens were neato...

Southern cooking...


Jennifer said...

I am glad that one of us cooked stuff that brings good luck. Do you think that y'all ate enough for both families? :)

Anonymous said...

Shanna, its me Jenni Hauk! I can't believe I found your cool blog- I love your precious family! Our boys are just a few months apart- He is fabulous-

Shanna from BabySchrades said...

Jenni!!! How do I contact you? Do you have a blog? How did you find my blog? Can't wait to catch up with you : )

Anonymous said...

Hey darlin-
Yes I just started blogging - Im not even sure how I found you:)
My blog is Baby Cooper and my email is
I am so happy to see you!