Sunday, January 06, 2008

Through the Night

We're so proud of Lucas! Last night he slept in his own bed for 10 hours without one single peep. He had a busy day yesterday morning, took a good nap, and then went to a fast dinner with Jeff and me and ate a lot of pasta and okra. He fell asleep around 9:30 in my arms as we were watching Obama and Hilary battle it out during the democratic portion of the political debates. Jeff and I actually woke up at 5:30 and talked about how we couldn't believe it. Two hours later we heard "mamaaaaaa" and "dadaaaaaaaa" and then we saw a happy little Lucas emerge from his room. Can he do it two nights in a row? I doubt it, but keep your fingers crossed.


Jennifer said...

Way to go Lucas!

Meg Boyd said...

Good Job Lucas!!!!

etodd said...

lucas im so proud of you! even w/o me to help you w the noise maker! keep it up bubs. miss you LOTS! muah!! ps give ty kisses from me!!

Kelly said...

Yay Lucas! Your mommy & daddy must be so proud... and well-rested!!