Friday, June 20, 2008

Baby Sister Prep

We've been talking a lot about Baby Sister lately. If Lucas sees my bare belly he says "Baby Sister" and gives it a kiss and a pat (although I must admit he has done the same thing to Jeff once or twice : )). If we see a baby at the store or the pool he calls her baby sister and waves to her... or says, "Baby Sister, shhhh" if she is sleeping.
We bought him a baby doll and have been trying to teach him to be gentle with it, how to hold it, burp it, etc. He likes to feed her a bottle. To my surprise he even let the doll sit with us and he taught it how to nurse. These things were very sweet, but a few minutes later I saw him feeding her goldfish and covering her head with a blanket... so we have some work to do.
In addition to the baby doll, we've ordered a book that we can all read together about him becoming a big brother. We're also starting to work on moving him upstairs to his big boy room. The doctor advised that we should do this well before Baby Sister's arrival. I've ordered the bedding and we plan to order the furniture next week. We have a fun idea for the theme of the room (more on that later), so I'm really excited about it.
Here is Lucas with the Baby Sister doll...

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