Thursday, August 28, 2008

Conversation with Katrin

This morning in the school driveway...

Katrin: "Hi Lucas. What are you watching?"
Lucas: "Duncan. See that Katrin?"
Katrin: "Lucas, will you hold my hand?"
Lucas: "Nooooo."
Katrin: "I have to go work. I'll give you two chances."
Lucas: Turned off DVD player and got out of car seat. Jumping around in backseat, "Watch this Katrin!"
Mama: Somehow pull Lucas out of the car and start walking towards the door.
Katrin: Tries to convince Lucas to walk in with her by holding out her hand.
Lucas: "Mama hold you." (wants me to hold him)

After we walked into the school I put Lucas down and told him that Katrin wanted to walk in with him. They clasped hands and walked into school to start their day.

Thanks to Katrin for holding Lucas's hand for the second time this week! Lately he stalls in the morning and it takes us like 10 min to convince him to go into school. It's not that he doesn't want go in to school, it's just that he wants to play with all of the stuff outside. I need to get their 15 min early to allow for this, but no matter how hard I try, I can't get out of the house any earlier! Jeff calls Lucas a "delay fish"... from Nemo.

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