Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a cozy Thanksgiving at home this year - just the four of us. It was our first time cooking a turkey and I think we did a pretty darn good job. I don't know how people figured out how to cook a turkey before Gore and the internets - we had to look at youtube videos every step of the way. The videos helped us know what to look for when pulling out the giblets (pronounced with a short g, by the way - like gym - we learned this on and carving the turkey. It was a lot of work, but turned out fine. The rest of the menu was pretty traditional. We had mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, dressing, roles and pumpkin pie. We had tons of food left over, so we invited the Autrys to come over on Friday to help us eat them.
When we sat down to dinner we toasted "cheers" (Lucas's new thing) and then said what we were thankful for this year. Lucas said that he is thankful for Marbles and throwing rocks : )

Obviously taken by a timer on our camera...

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