Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sleepy Babies (for one night at least)

You will never believe this, but Ellen slept 10 hours straight last night... and (drum roll please) Lucas slept 8 hours straight! I felt so refreshed this morning when I woke up. But back to
Ellen, I can't believe that my 7 week old slept 10 hours straight. I realize every day how each child is different. Lucas's sleep patterns were so that he rarely slept soundly for a five hour stretch and now Ellen consistently sleeps 7 hours straight at night. I'm doing things a little differently with Ellen, but if she had Lucas's sleep habits then I'd probably be doing things the same way I did with Lucas - she just doesn't require it. With Lucas he slept by our bed in a bassinet that he apparently hated for about four months. He would usually end up in our bed because he didn't sleep in that *%$# bassinet. At four months we tried to move him to his crib... and well, the rest is documented on the blog... but long story short he still wakes up once a night. When Ellen was three weeks old she started sleeping swaddled in her crib. She's never protested and seems comfy there, so I guess the sleep gods listened to my prayers and gave us a good sleeper. We are so thankful!
Lucas loves to lie down next to Ellen and give her kisses (and sometimes poke her)!

Ellen is telling him to back off in this one :-)

I love this. Lucas kissed her without thinking about it. He really does adore her.

By the way, I hope that it doesn't sound like I'm bragging about having a good baby sleeper. I figure I'm due a few "good sleep "posts since I'm still getting up with Lucas after 2 1/2 years! To all of my friends who are still getting up during the night - I still know how you feel! : -)


Meg Boyd said...

Those pictures are precious. I do hate you for getting a sleeping baby...JK!

Jennifer said...

Golly Shan that is great - for you. :) No, I'm happy that Ellen is a good sleeper.

Kelly said...

Who knows - maybe Lily was just programmed this way, but she was a swaddled, crib-sleeper from about 3 weeks and she has (almost) always slept well from that day on. Glad to hear that Ellen is making things easier for you. I guess I'm due for a not-so-great-sleeper this time around :)

Wendy said...

That's AWESOME!! Good for Ellen (or maybe it's better for Mommy and Daddy). Blair is cutting a new tooth, so we've gotten up with her the past couple of nights. Goodness it's bringing back horrific images of completely sleepless nights...
Pics are adorable, by the way. :)

Anonymous said...

Being in that category you talked about at the end of your post :) , I'm so glad Ellen is a sleeper and am hoping our new baby will be too!!
