Thursday, February 26, 2009

Baby Ellen at 4 Months

Here are some random things about our little 4 month old angel and then some 4 month old pictures...
- sleeps swaddled in her crib from about 8pm-7/8am
- wakes up once to nurse (started this around 3 months old - we think it may be because that is when she started going to bed at 8pm instead of 10pm, thus going to bed with less milk in her belly).
- takes a morning and afternoon nap, swaddled in her crib. Usually 10:00-11:30am and 1:00-3:00pm.
- loves to chew on her hands
- loves mommy and daddy and shows no preference, but seems to be in awe of Lucas. She giggles the most when he is around.
- smiles all the time, most often with her mouth wide open and her eyes shining
- seems to nurse for food purposes only and not comfort - she eats quickly and then sticks her hand back in her mouth
- really never cries, except however, when she's in that darn carseat! I have to time it right with fatique and hunger or else she looses it.
- when she wakes up she makes little girly sounds and gazes at her mobile. When she sees us her entire face lights up and she starts wiggling and kicking.
- she has a stork bite on the back of her neck at the bottom of her hairline.
- she can roll from back to tummy but not tummy to back yet.
- she likes to stand up with us holding her hands.
- she doesn't love her baby bathtub, so I've started taking her in the shower with me every few days and she seems to enjoy it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Her little face is really getting chubby!! She is starting to catch up with Mary! I think she looks like Wesley too. I can't wait to meet her!