Monday, April 13, 2009

The Stoker

We've been in Memphis visiting Jeff's parents. I can hardly believe I'm sitting here writing about it - the time flew by, as usual these days. I also can't believe that we drove to and from Memphis with two kids... and it was awesome! We rented a minivan and it was SO MUCH NICER than our cars. I am still not ready to buy one, but I can totally appreciate why people do. The kids were so great. Lucas watched DVDs and colored and Ellen just chilled out and played with her toys. We broke up the trip a little over half way and that is what is shown in these pictures.
When we left Raleigh it was 70 degrees and we were all in shorts with sundresses and flip flops packed in our bags. When we got out of the car it was 30 degrees and snowing! We didn't get to play in the snow, but we had a super time building this fire and stoking it for hours. Lucas took it very seriously. He thought that the fire had to be continuously stoked or else it would go out. At one point his face was so red and his shirt was hot so I told him to take a break on the couch. He said, "Okay mama, you stoke the fire please!" ... and then 2 min later he took the thing out of my hand and told me that he would just do it.. hahaha.
It was a very relaxing half way stop and we enjoyed the pretty snow the next morning...
The stoker

So serious!

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