Friday, January 15, 2010

Silly Kids

Shall I dare say it? "It is getting easier." I'm sure tomorrow I'll report back that both kids were up all night and threw tantrums all day. But it IS getting easier. Ellen doesn't need as much physical care, so we can enjoy playing and being silly more and more these days. Both of them have such silly personalities. Actually, Ellen is a nut, but I'd say Lucas's dominant personality trait is still "serious." But when we are acting silly he's the craziest of all with his funny faces, funny voices, karate moves, and imaginary scenes. I think Ellen knows she's cute and hams it up whenever she can. Nobody is a stranger to her and if her smiles were money we'd be rich by now. Her thing this week is to bring us hats or glasses and ask for us to put them on her so that she can run and show another family member what she's wearing.


Jennifer said...

Stinkers!! I put that doggy hat on Ellen a couple of time while I was up there. I miss them! are absolutely on the top Shan - I love you!

Frances Katrin said...

Ellen really looks like lucas in these pictures!