Saturday, August 21, 2010

Our friend, Olivier

Today was a great day! I went to see Eat, Pray, Love with my friend Marie and her friend Jessica. Afterwards we went back to our house and ordered pizza with Jeff, Marie's husband Olivier and the kids.
Olivier is so much fun and the kids love him. He's always trying to cause trouble for Jeff and me, like by telling Lucas to call him at "911" if he wants to watch Scooby Doo with him. Luckily the attention embarrasses Lucas and he hasn't really absorbed these instructions.
Tonight Olivier got us. We were all having bon bons for dessert. Ellen had a half of one in each hand, so her hands were pretty messy. Olivier got her attention and said, "Ellen, do this" as he put both hands on his forehead and rubbed them down the length of his face. So Ellen did it and this was the result. Luckily it wasn't hard to clean up and Ellen held no grudges. She was happy to cuddle with her buddy a little while later on the couch.

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