Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Mom's House (Tuesday)

So we had a change in plans, but I believe things work out for the best, and that seems to be what is happening. We were supposed to spend today, Tuesday, with Mandy. And then Wendy on Wednesday. My mother (Mama) called me yesterday and said that Mom (my grandmother) was having to be admitted to the hospital for breathing issues. So I immediately moved back out plans with Mandy for today and planned on going to visit Mom at the hospital. How lucky that I'm actually in Georgia to do this. And, as a bonus, we weren't going to see my parents this week, but now they are here in Georgia to help Mom if she needs it. Well, apperantly my moving back of our plans wasn't enough of a change. Lucas tossed and turned all night last night, and even woke up with "pains growing" and had to get Tylenol. And as for Ellen, she was a little restless last night and felt warm when I got up with Lucas, but I figured she was just sleeping hard. I was wrong... she woke up this morning burning up, puny in my arms for an hour, and then threw up. So we cancelled plans with Mandy for today and Wendy for tomorrow (since we don't know about Ellen's virus) and headed south to Jonesboro. My parents were at Mom's house already and we were so glad to see them! Ellen took a long nap and felt great afterwards, so just a 12 hour virus (or a 24 hour virus that her immune system kicked to the curk early.)
My dad and Lucas got right to work on a drain project for Mom's yard. She lives on a lake that they drain every 5 years so that people can work on their docks. So there is no water for us to play in, but I think Lucas is just as happy with the weeds...

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