Monday, August 08, 2011

Trained to Potty!

We are officially done with diapers! Ellen has had the first part of going potty down for a couple of months, but she was having some issues with letting her poop go. Seriously, she would get scared when sitting on the potty and ask me to hold her while she tried. I would hug her. We kept telling her that her poop wanted to go down the potty so that it could see it's Mommy, Daddy and friends. So now when she flushes she waves good-bye to it and says, "Bye-bye! Go see your momm and your daddy and your brother!"

And just like Lucas, it has been all or nothing with Ellen. We put her in pull-ups at night, but she would see that as an excuse to not get up to go potty. So we put her "tiny potty" in her room (a portable kid potty) and now she will use it if she's in her room with the door already closed for bedtime. She even gets up in the middle of the night to go potty.

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