Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Next Nurse Janet took her blood pressure.  She wasn't too sure... see her serious face?

Finally, she put on her little gown : )  I need to call to get her stats, but she continues to be in the lower percentiles for weight... I think she was actually 10% this time instead of < 5%.  And her height is about 40%.  During the appointment she talked to the doctor a lot, mostly about silly things.  At one point she got bored and decided to be "creative" and cover the sink in paper towels.  I half noticed that she was doing this and half was glad that she was busy so that I could talk to the doctor.  Then I realized that this was wasteful and he may not appreciate her wasting his paper towels, so I told her that wasn't a good idea.  Ellen doesn't take no for an answer.  She argued that she wanted to cover the sink because it was dirty.  I told her that she couldn't and that if she took one more she'd have to sit in my lap.  She processed that, thought about it for 2 seconds and then responded that she was okay with that because she liked sitting in my lap.  The dr. laughed out loud and said that she was a smart little girl.  Other than that scene, it was uneventful.  Until next year, hopefully...

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