Monday, February 20, 2012

Lake Lure

The kids have Monday and Tuesday off for President's Day, so we took a trip to take advantage of the long weekend.  Angela and Bryan were in!  Jenn and Neil were taking Ty to Florida to spend a week with Grandma and Grandpa. 
We went to Lake Lure, which is near Asheville and is where Dirty Dancing was filmed.  Here we are just arriving.  So nice to be near the mountains.

When Bryan, Angela and Wesley arrived we played outside our "unit" for a while.

Our first night we checked out the place and played some bball and putt-putt.

After that we build a "roaring fire" and cuddled up for some family time.

Family time to the boys meant playing with Wesley's DS.  And not smiling for the camera!

Just like our vacations when we were little, we made dinner instead of going out...

After dinner, there was a lot of silliness...

For breakfast on Sunday, Jeff treated us with his "world famous" powdered donuts.

Unfortunately the day was rainy and we were stuck inside.  We had planned on hiking all day, grabbing lunch in town, etc.  But instead we went swimming.  The boys were not allowed in the hot tub (resort rules), so when they got cold they positioned themselves like this so that they coud have one arm and leg in the hot tub to get warm.  Sneaky little guys.

Ellen face.

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