Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Professional Haircut

Before this weekend we had taken a couple of snips at Lucas's hair, but never anything drastic. This weekend we decided that it was finally time to get a little clean up. One side was thicker than the other and some days I felt like it looked like he had a comb over. We just wanted a base haircut and we may try to maintain it by cutting it out of his eyes.
Lucas did okay at the salon. It was a place for kids, so there were balloons, slides, race cars and firetrucks that the kids could sit in while they got their cut, videos, etc. Lucas refused to sit in the firetruck chair, so he sat in my lap instead. Since it was his first time he got two employees allocated to him. The girl that was cutting his hair had a balloon that she would show him in between cuts and the guy was showing him toys, like the Elmo doll that Lucas took from him and threw right down on the floor. The girl did a great job - I don't know how she did it. Every time Lucas realized that she was touching him he would throw his head back. The whole thing lasted about 4 min. Here is the cutie...


Jennifer said...

I LOVE IT!! He looks like a little boy!

Kristen said...

And I thought he couldn't get any cuter!!