Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 3 Update from Teacher

I really like Lucas's teacher. She is being very considerate of my feelings this first week by sending me emails once or twice a day. Here is what she said today:

"This has been his best day yet. He has been working, engaging with the other children, smiling, he even gave me a hug. I think the quicker we do drop off, the better. He might cry, but like this morning it was only for a minute. Then he knows you are gone to work and he starts his school day. Anyway, he is adjusting great and I am sure will continue to."


"Forgot to say... Lucas ate all his lunch today, cheese sandwich, carrots, peas, corn, and peaches."



Kelly said...

Wow! What a great job Lucas is doing with this big transition - and you too Shanna! :) It sounds like you've found a really wonderful place for him. Hooray!

And PS. I may have to send Lily there just to get her to eat as well as Lucas is!

Frances Katrin said...

Your blog is so exciting these days! All this change is exciting and overwhelming. Our little ones are so cute. Crying in the morning is Katrin's way of saying, "I REALLY will miss you and wish you could stay and work with me" The emotion is so intense, no words can flow-- just the cry. Can't blame her, I wish I could intern with the teacher every day! But I also like my grown up work, so I simply kiss, hug, and say good bye to her with a smile. And like you said, the crying abruptly ends.

New Lucas sounds like he's going to be fun, with is matter of fact "no" to folks. I like that.

Frances Katrin said...

I wonder how long until Lucas says, "No, thank you" instead of "no"? It cracks me up when Katrin, while crying in frustration will say, "No, thank you to me." School rules are that we don't use "that word" (no). So the children will say, "no, ma'am" or "no, thank you" during an interesting situation.

Anyway, I'm just so excited for Lucas! He is big man on campus now! :)

Meg Boyd said...

Good job Lucas! I agree the quick drop is the best...any day when Maddie cries I cry too and that is okay...please know it is okay...espcially with your hormones (One day this Septemeber when I was 8 month spregnant I cried from the time I dropped her off until the time I picked her up). He is going to get so much from this and there will be days months from now when he just doesn't want to go but think of it that you are doing a great job being a Mommy and he loves to be with you. This is just another developmental milestone they need to reach and makes them stronger. A little Mommy to Mommy secrect..I listen to the Wiggles on the way home from dropping Maddie off on the rough days and it makes me smile. (Wow...never thought I would want to listen to the Wiggles!)

Jennifer said...

Shan, I look forward to my update calls in the morning. I am so proud of you - I knew that Lucas would do great! Love you