Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Class Photo

Lucas's teacher surprised us with a framed picture of Lucas and his classmates last week. Honestly, it's one of the cutest pictures of all time. How she and Len got 8 little ones to cooperate is beyond me, but the result was awesome. I don't know all of the parents that well, so I blurred out all of the other kids, but you can tell that they are all sitting on the step of the front porch of the school, hands in laps, with smiles on their faces. I can tell that Lucas's smile is genuine, and not just a posed smile. It looks like he was really enjoying himself.
Lucas and I found this surprise picture in his cubby one morning last week. When Lucas went into class his picture was still in his cubby, but sneaky mommy took it so that I could look at it all day. When I walked into the house to pick him up after school he was looking at me with a surprised look on his face. His teacher asked me if I took Lucas's picture. I told Lucas that, yes, I had taken it and that it was in the car. He looked at me as if I has betrayed him... how dare I take HIS picture! Poor baby had noticed that some of his friends had pictures in their cubbies (their parents hadn't taken theirs), and he was concerned that his was missing. Once we got to the car and I gave him his picture, we were fine. He held it in front of him and looked at it for a few minutes before stashing it safely beside him in his carseat.
It took me a few days to figure this out, but this picture makes me kind of sad. It is proof that Lucas has a little life of his own during the day while I'm at work. He has friends, adventures, learns new things, etc... and mommy is not there with him while he's doing it. I'm SO proud of him and the little boy that he's growing into, and I wouldn't change our setup, but it breaks my heart a little (a lot) to see him growing up...

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

You dont' have to blur KLC's face if you don't want to.