Monday, January 19, 2009

I just realized today...

... that Lucas is more of a kid than a baby. We had a parent/teacher conference at his school this afternoon, so I dropped him off at a friend's house for an hour or so. When the child's dad answered the door Lucas said, "Where's Lincoln?!" and then ran into the house without looking back. I knew that Ellen was getting fussy in the car, so I said, "See ya in an hour!" and ran back to the car. As I was driving away I realized that I hadn't told Lucas bye or even told him that I was leaving. Mr. Brandon later told me that when he got downstairs Lucas and Lincoln were already playing and Lucas never asked about me. This sounds sad, but it's not really. He's growing into a very confident and independant little dude. We left him with a sitter on Saturday night and he did just fine, loved it in fact. I may finally realize that he's okay with being away from me. (again, not sad - I'm proud of him!)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Its weird how it sneaks up on you, huh?