Friday, January 23, 2009

Who does Ellen look like?

My sister and I love to play this game. She just left a message on the pictures below asking me again who she looks like. Last week I asked Jeff's cousin, Brie, for a baby picture of herself because we were thinking that she looks like Jeff's mom side of the family (Brie is Jeff's 1st cousin on his mom's side). When we opened up this picture we could immediately see the resemblance! Ellen has the same little cheeks, chin, and fair skin that Brie had as a baby. Jeff also has these features, but we don't have a baby picture of him that shows it this well.

PS - Brie is now grown and still very beautiful!!


Jennifer said...

yeah, I can see the chin and the chubby cheeks, but what about the rest of her?

Anonymous said...

People always wanted to know who Lucas E. looked like and could never figure it out (when he was a baby, now it's pretty obvious he's a mini-John). It finally got very frustrating and I'd just say "he just looks like Lucas!"

Unknown said...

Haha, that's too funny! I should find a better one- I have a bunch at home actually and scan it at work. Lemme work on that. . .