Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy, but having fun....

I remember when I used to blog each and every day. Now I am going several days with no updates on the kiddos. I think about the blog a lot and form cute stories in my head, but then when the kids go to bed at night I choose to spend a few minutes alone with Jeff or collapse into bed. So I've decided that the cute stories with pictures will have to wait for now. I'm going to try and blog more often. I can't promise that I'll use complete sentences!

So I've been spending the afternoons with the kids for about 6wks now. It may have been the best decision that Jeff and I have ever made! I absolutely love it and can tell that Lucas loves it too. I think that our bond has grown stronger and I feel a better connection to him. The connection is important as it seems that 3yrs old is a frustrating age for children as they want to me more independent, but can't always express their needs clearly.

I feel busier than ever. My day starts when I log into my computer at 7am and work until noon. At noon I shut down the computer and leave to pick up LB from his Montessori school. I forgot to allow time for breakfast and lunch - oops! So I eat on the run. I take Ellen with me to get Lucas and we usually go on an outing from there. Outings include pool, park, friend's house, monkey Joe's jumping place, library, toy store, target, or grocery store. When we get home around 3pm Lucas has a snack and we rest for a little while on the couch while watching Curious George, Sesame Street or Noggin. We then play upstairs or outside in the sprinkler until Jeff gets off work at 5 or 5:30. From there we play some more, work on dinner, eat dinner, bath, play and bedtime. It's a busy and exhausting day!

The focus of entertainment is on Lucas, but Ellen tags along and is learning and growing so quickly. She wants to keep up with him and is constantly trying to get into his business. Her laid back personality is changing a bit as she gets older. She is always on the go, exploring and getting into things. She has a little temper now and gets MAD if you take something away from her or change her direction (like when she goes up the stairs).

Jeff and I think it's important to exercise and eat well for our sake and for the sake of teaching the kids. We have a workout schedule that allows us to both workout several times a week. It changes as opportunities change, but for now this is what is working for us: Shanna - Tues morning 6am swim, Wed night weights, Thurs morning 6am spin, Friday 30 min run, and Sat or Sun short run. Jeff - Monday lunch, Tues night group bike ride, Thurs swim class, Sat morning group run. We are constantly comparing schedules and who gets to do what when. We try to sit down and eat as a family each night, but sometimes if our workouts interfere then Lucas and Ellen eat sooner and we eat later. I feel strong and confident when I work out. I feel opposite of that when I don't!

Tyson needs more attention. Poor guy.

We have an awesome nanny. Her name is Karen and she is like an extension to our family. She is here every morning and is super helpful when Ellen is sleeping. She is awesome, awesome, awesome and makes my life easier.


Jennifer said...

I'm exhausted! :)

Ali said...

i totally agree about how you feel so much better if you get to work out...i so would love to fit that into my schedule more.

Frances Katrin said...

Try bullet point bogging...

Btw, I had matt put two bags of shoes for EC in Lucas' cubby this morning. All differnt styles, mostly stride rites. A set of dark pink jelly sandles that sparkle. I thought she might like those since dark pink is her signature. :)

Kristen said...

Sounds great Shanna! I wish I could do all that you do, but my schedule is much more low key these days :) (and I still can't keep up with my blog). I'm so glad you have found a great nanny too :). I think of you all so often.