Monday, January 11, 2010

Bedtime Routines

Jeff is putting Ellen to bed now! Lucas still won't allow anyone but me to tuck him in, so we are thrilled. Ellen is such a quick learner. Jeff had put her to bed for the past several days and last night around 8pm (we were at a neighbor's house for dinner, so her bedtime got pushed out) she reached for Jeff and said "Dada, Dada". They both waved goodnight to Lucas and me and then he carried her up the stairs. I expected her to cry once she figured out that they were actually going to bed, but then I realized she initiated it and knew what she was doing. Jeff ended up falling asleep with her last night, which was great because she only woke me up once to nurse between the hours of 8pm and 5:30am.

Lucas is totally in our bed now, which we are both totally fine with. I will go as far to say that I prefer it and love it. If he starts in his bed, he makes his way to our bed eventually, so he might as well just start there. And he's a deep sleeper now, so we can move him or turn on the lights to brush our teeth after he is sleeping and he won't budge.

We are getting more rest... well rested family equals a happy family!


Jennifer said...

Shan this is awesome!! We are much closer to are sister getaway!!
love you!

Anonymous said...

I am all for whatever it takes for everyone to get rested. Last night was our first night alone with both of the girls .. Mia slept in her bed from 7:40pm until 6:30am .. I think it was a miracle as I was all prepared to have her in our bed at some point during the night now that grandma wasn't here to take care of her durning the night. I am trying not to "corrupt" (ha ha) the baby with our sleeping habits but that is still to early to be seen! I am sure when husband is on the road we will all be in my room again! But that is fine with me .. I don't function well on little / interupted sleep .. so I have always worked with whatever got all of us the most well rested .. which for the better part of 2 years was Mia being in our bed whenever she woke up during the night ..

Erica Bach-Allen