Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I'm afraid that we have let the binky thing go on too long. It now has a name. I remember the time when there were 10 binkies scattered throughout the house and Ellen had no preference. Those days are gone and the blue binky is the chosen one. She'll take no sub and we now have to go on hunts around the house to find Blue as often as we have to to find Bunny. Someone told me to cut the tip off of it to help wean her, but I don't have the heart. Maybe this week we'll start limiting it to bedtime only. Her speech has taken off over the past month, so I'm not worried about that aspect of it.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Is that the same blue one that was smaller than the others? Maybe that's a good sign... she's still cute w/ or w/o it! Hope y'all had a good Christmas!