Monday, July 11, 2011

Ellen's First Day of Camp

Finally, camp (mornings only) week has arrived! I'm trying to work 4-6 hours a day, depending on the week, and it's not easy with two kids and a nanny in the house with me. Our nanny often takes them to the pool (she's a swim coach, so she's qualified) or I'll go to a coffee shop if I need to really focus. Both kids are in a mommy phase and protest every morning when we tell them the nanny is coming. They want to play with "Moooommmmmmyyyyyyy" and not the nanny. So when I told them it was camp day, they were both excited for something more interesting than what we have to offer at home.

They were told to come to camp in their swim suits, so here is our lady, ready for the day. Another great thing about this camp is that it's at their preschool, so Ellen is getting to spend time with the teachers that she'll be with next year... Ms. Mary and Ms. Cindy.

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