Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Binky Fairy

Finally, it is time to give up the binky.  We've been talking about it for a while.  We decided to take the "binky fairy" route, which means Ellen will leave her binky in a basket and the binky fairy will take it and give it to another baby who needs it.  To reward her for being such a big girl, the fairy will leave a gift.  It's a good time to do this since she's already on board with Santa coming soon.  So three nights ago I told her that the fairy is planning on coming in three nights.  Each night we talked about how she'd be coming in two days, one and then tonight!

I really didn't think she'd willingly put her binky in the basket, but she totally did!  Here are the last few minutes with a crutch that she has known her entire life...

And her is our big girl putting her binky in the basket!

I was surprised that she put her binky in the basket, but even more surprised that she actually went to sleep without it.  However, she's still nursing, so she just used that as a replacement.  It's still progress.  First night of her life going to sleep without her binky (except for the very beginning... not sure when we first gave her the binky.)

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