Thursday, April 17, 2008

2nd Trimester

I'm 14wks today, which means I'm officially in my 2nd trimester - yay! I definitely feel better this week, just like I did while pregnant with Lucas at this time. While I was sick I didn't eat much and lost all of the weight I had gained. Our scale is broken, but I'm sure I've gained it all back this week because I've been starving and eating all of the time. In addition to snacks and big meals throughout the day, I've had two servings of ice cream for the past two nights. My super fit friend is sending me some of her maternity clothes from last summer, so this is my motivation to stop this trend and stay in shape. My belly started poking out more this week, so I need to take our first belly picture. It said the avg baby of this age is about the size of a fist. Oh yeah, this baby must like red meat because I can.not get enough! Jeff and I used to go weeks without eating red meat, but now we are having it 2-3 times a week. Maybe it's because my body needs the iron?


Anonymous said...

Hooray 2nd trimester! I had ice cream every single night when pregnant. :) We also had filet mignon once a week! I couldn't get enough!

Meg Boyd said...

I am so calling this is a girl!!! I ate ice cream every single night with Maddie. You look great so don't stress out about it. It is the only time in life when it seems like everyone is encouraging you to eat anything and everything...ENJOY!.