Thursday, July 31, 2008

Belly Gallery - 29 Weeks

We are a couple of weeks into the third trimester now. Only about 2 and a 1/2 more months. Well, wait, why did I say "only"? I can't believe I have that much longer because I feel today like I felt when I was in the last 2-4 weeks with Lucas. All of a sudden I am very pregnant. I'm starting to think that what they say about girl pregnancies being more difficult than boy pregnancies is true. However, I do have a 2 year old turkey now to keep up with, am only sleeping 6 hours a night and find it hard to exercise regularly. What do I expect?
I had a checkup last week and all was good. The midwife said the baby is measuring the right size and my blood pressure was the same as usual. I've gone from 118lbs to 142lbs, which means I'm on track to gain 35lbs. I gained 33lbs with Lucas, but started out a few lbs lighter with this pregnancy (thanks to nursing), so all in all it's about the same weight gain. Although they did tell me that I had gained 6lbs since my last visit, so my projection may be way off.
This baby moves WAY more than Lucas ever did. My sister said she heard girls do move more than boys. Who knows, but it's neat. She moves the most at night when we are sitting on the couch before bed and she always wakes up if I wake up for Lucas in the middle of the night. I swear that she kicks him and wakes him up sometimes... when Lucas and I are snuggling in bed his legs are usually resting against my belly. He'll be almost asleep and then she'll make a sudden movement and he stirs.
We're working on her nursery now. I've decided that I don't like any of the furniture that we had for Lucas's room for a girl's room, so I'm trying to sell it and replace it without spending much money. It's a fun little challenge since I'm not stressed about getting the nursery perfect before she's born, like I was with Lucas. We are going to have her crib in our room for the first few months, so her nursery won't look finished for a while anyway.

These work outfits are getting harder to put together...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Shan, you're tiny! Don't talk to me about your face being swollen ever again!