Sunday, July 13, 2008

Turkey Talk

Here are some things that our little turkey is saying now (most of it cracks us up)...

"I did it!" - when he accomplishes a task.

"Lucas's fault." or "Mama's fault." or "Dada's fault." - when one of us spills or drops something.

"Dada. Jeff. Psst!" - when Jeff doesn't immediately respond to his name.

"No, no, no. Leave." - when he wants us to let him do something on his own.

"Shhh. Stop." - to me the other day when I was singing to him.

"Green car is?" - when he is looking for something, like his green Ramone car.

"1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10!" - when he counts to 10.

"Here it is!" - when he finds something that he's looking for.

"I got it!" - when he catches a ball or finds something he's looking for.

"Ereen?" - when we told him that Johnny was coming to visit this weekend.

"Scratch. TT did it." - when we asked him what the little mark was on his hand.

"Covers." - what he asked for the other day when we were cuddling. Before that day he had always just said "cold."

"Ohhhh, another boo boo. Bump head. Right here." - what he said this weekend when he bumped his head for the 2nd time in about 10 min and was showing me where to kiss it.

"Last time!" - one of his negotiating tactics. One time he was asking Jeff to do something again and Jeff said, "Okay, but this is the last time." A few days later he wanted to use the juicer but wasn't getting much agreement from Jeff or me so he said, "Last time!"

"This broken this. This better this." - what he says when he's trying to tell us to use one thing over the other. For example, today his stool was too short to reach what he wanted, so he went and got the chair from his kid table and said this. Translation - the small stool doesn't work, so I'm going to use this one because it's better.

"Off. Leave here." - when he woke up from his nap this afternoon I had my hair pulled back in a head band. I usually wear bangs, so I guess this looked different to him. He looked at me with his just-waking-up face, pulled the head band off and said, "Off. Leave here." as he sat it on his night stand. Little stinker! I just bought that darn thing and now I don't want to wear it : )

And our all time favorite,

"Ohhhh man." - the hilarious thing about this is that he uses it appropriately every time. He just started saying it on Friday. He said it this weekend when the cd skipped, when I told him we couldn't go outside, when Marlin got eaten by the whale on Nemo, and several other times. It has got to be the cutest thing I've ever heard!

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