Sunday, July 27, 2008

Supper Club

We started a supper club with five other couples a few months ago. So far we've only been able to get everyone together for one supper, so it's more of an email and talk-about-supper-club than an actually get together and eat club. But maybe that will change because last night was a lot of fun. We don't have a babysitter for Lucas, so we invited all the kids as well as the adults. Jeff, Lucas and me started preparing at 8am on Saturday morning and sat out the last glass as the doorbell rang at 5:30 (we did take a 2 hour break to go swimming before nap). So it was a lot of work, but we were proud that we pulled it off and were still able to enjoy ourselves. Here is how the day went...

After breakfast, at 8am, Jeff and Lucas made the cookies and the cornbread. A little later Lucas helped me make the brownies. We cleaned a little, went to the pool, put Lucas down for a nap at 1pm, and then Jeff and got serious about getting all of the food cooked. When Lucas woke up around 3pm we did some water work in the kitchen (dishes), vacuum work, Jeff and Lucas cleaned the toilets, and then some mop work. Lucas really did play a big role in preparing for the party.

Here he is spraying the wood cleaner on the floor so that I could mop it up...

After all of the dirty work was finished, Lucas put on his Goa Elephant t-shirt (one of his favs) and waited for his friends to arrive. He and Charles wasted no time in starting their part of the supper club...

And then he kept Lucas and Mr. John company while Lucas had some supper...

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