Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Lucas's First Phone Call

Last night Lucas hit the redial button on Jeff's work phone. We didn't know he had done this, but this is what we were hearing...

"Hello. How it going? Great..... How's your doggy?... How's your doggy?... How it going?"

I thought that he looked a little too into this call, so I leaned closer to the phone and was surprised to actually hear someone talking back to him! They were saying, "You have the wrong number. I think you need to go talk to your mommy."

and then Lucas said, "Okay, good-bye." Click.


Wendy said...

Oh no! I'm horrified that Blair is going to do this...she LOVES playing with our phones. I'm sure whoever he called got a good laugh about his phone call!

Lisa said...

Love that story..... Trent called 911 once. We didn't know until they called back to make everything was ok. 30 min later a patrol car went down our street.

Lisa said...
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