Saturday, April 03, 2010

Lucas's Family Birthday Celebration!

The kid is almost 4yrs old! His actual birthday is tomorrow, but since that is Easter we figured we'd celebrate today. It was pretty low key. When he woke up there were tons of presents for him to open. Some of them had arrived in boxes earlier in the week and he was about to die to open them, so that's why we let him open them first thing. It looks like a lot of stuff, but there were only a couple of big things and a lot of little things, like paint brushes and glow-in-the-dark Spiderman undies. He is so into Spiderman. We're having a Superhero bday party next weekend with his friends. He wanted Spiderman, but we made the them a little more vague to include all Superheroes. He is also into Transformers and these things called Bakugans, or something like that. All what I consider "big boy" toys that I assume he picked up from playing with Max and Ben. We got him a castle that makes noises and lights up and he has played with it for hours. It's fun to see his imagination come to life. Sasa got him an easel since he is so into drawing lately. And my parents got him a tent, which is the coolest because Lucas E. has one in his room just like it : )

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

He looks like Jeff!