Saturday, October 01, 2011

GT Football Wknd

Luckily there was a Georgia Tech football game in our town this wknd, so it was a good excuse for Sean, Rachel and the boys to visit. We like this trend of seeing them every 6 months or so! Caleb and Eli just turned three, so they are a couple of months older than Ellen. And Baby Luke is 15 months old.

They arrived late on Friday night, so Saturday morning Ellen was apparently happy to see them because she snuggled right up to Sean (while Caleb watched to make sure she didn't get too close.)

We totally lucked up with the weather this wknd. It was the first really perfect fall weather wknd. We stayed outside for most of the day. Before the guys left for the game, they had some fun with the kids on their toys : )

And Ellen was maybe a little intimidated by all of the action because she asked me to sit in the porch with her and play with her babies.

This is her talking in what we call her grown up voice. She incorporates a lot of hand movements...

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