Wednesday, August 17, 2005

First Midwife Visit

Today was our first pregnancy appointment with Mary Charles. I have seen her twice before for checkups, but this was Jeff's first time to meet her. I loved the way she introduded herself to him and explained to her the difference between a doctor and a midwife. Then we went through the 100 questions they have to ask you about medical history..blah, blah, blah. She said that the first u/s wouldn't be until week 20!!, but that we could do a study through UNC that allowed you to get an early 1st trimester u/s. We're going to think about it. The reason I want to is because everyone is just taking my word for it that I'm pregnant. I want to see or hear something more! They didn't even do a test at the appointment today.

Jeff had the option of staying in the room for the exam...but chose to flip through all of the Mothering magazines in the lobby instead.

We told Tyson the big news, but I don't think he gets it yet.

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