Wednesday, June 28, 2006

First Sick Visit

Well, Lucas wasn't really sick, but it was unscheduled so that's what they call it. A few weeks ago I wrote about how Lucas was acting "colicky". Soon after that we determined that he has acid reflux. The biggest indicator was that he would cry during eating, which showed that he was having the milk come back up and burn his little throat. After much discussion, we put him on a medicine called Axid, similar to Zantac. I swear that he smiled at me two seconds after giving him the first dose - it really made him feel better. Well, he was fine for four weeks, but has been acting "colicky" again for the past few days. The doctor did a thorough exam and said that he looks great to him, so just try giving him a little more Axid. If that doesn't work then he said I can try taking dairy out of my diet. We'll see how it goes.

The good part of the story is that we changed pediatricians and yesterday was our first visit. There is just one doctor and one nurse, and that's it. Not even a receptionist. I felt like I was in Mayberry. They said that Lucas weighs 12lbs 5 oz and is 24 inches long. That puts him at 40% in weight and 60% in height. They said that his previous height measurements probably weren't accurate because he was still all scrunched up. We knew he looked long and skinny, and now we have the stats to back it up.

In other news, Lucas is trying hard to roll over from his back to his stomach. He nearly makes it, but his right arm keeps getting in the way.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Our Little Traveler

At two and a half months, Lucas has been on six plane flights. Perhaps we are pushing him a little too much because he has been cranky the past couple of days, but he did great while in transit. His latest trip was to south Georgia, or Locust Grove, where his little cousin Ty lives. I was so proud of him because he was such a happy boy on the airplane and in the car. He had a lot of people to meet, so we went a lot of places. Here he is with friends and family...
Here we are with my sister and brother and their babies, Ty and Wesley (doesn't Jennifer look great to have a 5 day old baby?)Lucas with Grandpa

Lucas with Mom (his great grandmother), Ty, and Grandma Lucas with Grandmother (his great grandmother) Lucas with Cuz Lucas with Sally
Lucas with Brittain
Lucas with Miranda
Lucas with Lisa (placeholder) - I meant to get a picture with all of his blog buddies!!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

A loyal Georgia Tech fan...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Silly Faces

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bumbo Seat

One of Sandy's friends sent us this as a gift. Lucas is still a little wobbly in it, but I think he likes sitting up and being able to look around. Tyson also likes it that Lucas's ears are now within easy licking range.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Play Group

We got a little more creative with this week's play group pictures...

Charles, Lucas, Naomi, Blane (missing Nora)

Lucas and his birthday buddy, NaomiThe outer space shot

Lucas and his buddy Charles Lucas chilling out during the photo shoot

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ty Tingle

Ty is here!

Lucas's little cousin, Tyrus Benjamin Tingle, was born this morning around 6:20am. I haven't seen pictures, but I hear he is 8lbs, 10oz and 20 in long. He has light hair, hazle eyes, is pink in color, has full lips (like Lucas) and a big belly. Hopefully I'll get a picture soon!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ty Tingle is on the way!

My sister just called to tell me that they are going to induce her today! She was due 6 days ago and is showing not much sign of progression, so they decided to induce. They already know they are having a boy, and they have named him Ty. More to come....

Play Time

Little Lucas playing on his play mat this morning...

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Nap Time

Jeff and I haven't really worried about putting Lucas on a schedule, but just in the past few days it appears that he wants to be on one. He has been sleeping for about 12 hours during the night (waking up 3-4 times to eat) since about 7 weeks old, but just this weekend he fell asleep a couple of hours after waking up each day. So the dilemma is do we go on play dates or do we stick to a nap schedule? I decided on Monday that we'd stay home for a few days to see if we can get into a little routine, and then maybe we'll try to plan our dates a little more around his naps.

Yesterday was day one of trying to get Lucas on a schedule. He did exactly as I thought he would - Up at 6:30am, 3 hr nap at 8:30am, 1 hr nap a 1:30, cat nap at 5:30, and down for the night at 8pm. Today, on the other hand, it is now 2:00pm and I've been trying to get him down for his morning nap since 10:00am! He sleeps for a little, then wakes up, but when he wakes up he is still cranky and sleepy. Now he is asleep. We'll see how long it lasts. Everyday is different!

I snuck into Lucas's room and got this video during his "nap" this morning:

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Mr. Cool

Here is Lucas sporting the shades that his cool Uncle Scott gave him...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Outing

Lucas and I were out the door by 9:30am for a 10:00 am "play date". It was the first time that had met his friends Grayson and Chase. He had fun watching the 7 month old and the 2 yr old.

Charles, Chase and Lucas
Wendy, Charles, Shanna, Lucas, Grayson, Katie and Chase

Friday, June 09, 2006

Two Month Wellness Visit

Little Lucas had to get four vaccinations yesterday. It wasn't that bad. He cried hard for about 30 seconds, but was smiling a few minutes later. His stats are a weight of 11 lbs 12 oz (45%), a height of 22 and 3/4 inches (30%) and head circumference of 39 cm (25%).

I told the doctor that Lucas seems to fidget a lot (he is constantly moving his arms and legs). He said that he is just curious and we are going to have our hands full when he figures out how to crawl and walk.
reenactment of Lucas's shot face

chubby baby pose

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Play Date

We took the babies to a mom/baby movie yesterday. It's nice that they have a movie that babies can attend, but it was a little too much work in my opinion. Lucas was quiet most of the movie, but it wasn't that relaxing and I probably won't do it again. It was nice, however, to see Vince and Jen - I doubt Jeff would want to see The Breakup.

Afterwards we went to Carol's house for our weekly play date. Here are what the babies look like this week:
Lucas, Charles, Naomi, Blane, Nora

Charles, Lucas, Naomi, Blane Naomi, Blane, Nora

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Two Months Old

Lucas is two months old, as of Sunday. In just the past week we think he began looking more like a baby and less like a newborn. He is now holding his head up really well, making good eye contact, will smile on cue most of the time, coo's conversationally, and laughs occasionally.
Lucas still likes baths (especially taking baths in the grown up bathtub), still loves being outside (it is our go-to for when he is fussy), and now likes laying on his tummy and back. He is getting better at stroller rides, but prefers facing outwards in the front carrier, and is getting better at the car seat, but still loses control every now and then.
As far as sleep, he sleeps 10-12 hours at night, but gets up every 3-4 hours to eat. He cat naps during the day, but is no longer taking really long naps...probably because he's too interested in what is going on.
He's getting more fun everyday...

Monday, June 05, 2006

New Swing

We got Lucas a new swing last week, and he loves it. Before Lucas was born I just picked up a cheapo swing - bucket seat that swings front to back. I thought this would be fine, but he has never liked it. A few of the other babies in his play group have this Papasan swing. Lucas tried it out a few times and every time we got the same reaction (see pic below). This is our first "Mom, all the other kids have one" purchase, but it was a good one. We still hold him most of the time, but it's nice to be able to put him in the swing while eat dinner.

Picture of Lucas enjoying a friend's swing

Video of Lucas enjoying his own swing

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Summer Camp

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you for letting me spend two weeks with you in Florida. I hope that you'll let me come back to summer camp every year. Grandpa, I especially enjoyed the nightly tummy rubs that you gave me. Mom and Dad try to give me a lot of attention, but my little brother has cut into my massage times. Grandma, thank you for feeding me a little bit of wet food every morning. My mom just leaves my food out all day, which is kind of boring. And thank you both for all of the table food that you gave me. My mom and dad said it was okay since I was on vacation. Now that I'm home, however, I need to work on my figure. There are a lot of girl dogs around here that I have my eye on this summer.

I really miss you both.

Love -Tyson
PS - Aunt Jenn and Uncle Neil, thank you for letting me spend one night with you. Your house is pretty cool.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Our Friday Outing

The first thing that Lucas and I did today was meet two of my friends for lunch. My friend, Kelley, has a 4 yr old and a 19 month old. It was great to talk to her about what she has done with her two kids and to get ideas on developmental tools. She takes her girls to Kindermusik, and after talking to her about it I can't wait to take Lucas. She also taught her girls sign language, and the younger one was communicating with it today. It will be fun to teach Lucas once he is a little older (not that I want him to grow up any faster!)

Next we got together with Wendy, Kim, Charles and Christopher for the first time. Charles is about 10 wks old, Lucas 8wks and Christopher 6wks. Below is a pregnancy picture of the moms and a current pic of the little guys.

Christopher's Mom, Lucas's Mom, Charles's Mom

Lucas, Charles, and Christopher

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Back in the groove...

It's probably obvious by my lack of blogs that it's taken me a few days to get back into our routine (or whatever you call what we do all day). A common question is if being a mom is hard. My response is that it's not hard at all to be a mom to Lucas, but really hard to get everything else done! If I had someone to brush my teeth for me, pick out my clothes, run errands, and do the housework, being a mom would be a piece of cake. I guess all experienced moms are laughing at how naive I was, but I'll admit that I was surprised at how hard it is to get anything done with an infant around. Anyway, I think I can manage to get back to our daily blogs now.
We met with our play group yesterday. It was the first week where all of the babies looked like babies and not infants. They are all "talking", smiling and holding their heads more steady. Here are the pictures...
Blane, Naomi, Lucas, Charles (Nora was out of town).

A possible conversation between Blane and Lucas:
Lucas: You're kiddin' dude!
Blane: I'm serious dude, that's how it happened.

Still a little unsteady...

Mom, my pants are pulled up too high and I look like a fool!