One of Sandy's friends sent us this as a gift. Lucas is still a little wobbly in it, but I think he likes sitting up and being able to look around. Tyson also likes it that Lucas's ears are now within easy licking range.
He is so cute in the Bumbo seat...I love that his blue, Maddie's is Lilac. In a few weeks watch out he may start to arch his back when he is sitting in it and it kind of makes them come out of the seat a little bit.
I am a 34 year old mommy of one little boy, one little girl and one little dog. Jeff and I have 9 fun years of marriage behind us and hopefully many more ahead of us. We joined the blog world when we found out we were pregnant. We both blogged for the first year, but now Jeff has been reassigned to Lead Engineer, only logging on to help me when I can't figure out how to fix something. You'll find many pictures on this blog, but also get a peek into our life with Lucas, Ellen and Tyson. I hope you enjoy... Shanna
He is so cute in the Bumbo seat...I love that his blue, Maddie's is Lilac. In a few weeks watch out he may start to arch his back when he is sitting in it and it kind of makes them come out of the seat a little bit.
So fun! Lily loves hers, too. :)
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