Monday, September 29, 2008

Any minute now!

The baby can realistically be born at any time now, which is very exciting! I remember these last few weeks as being exciting with Lucas too. It reminds me of the feeling I got as a kid before Christmas in anticipation of the big day. Along with the excitement there is a little stress over the to-do lists that seem to get longer and not shorter, but also over the logistics of the labor day. I've almost got everything organized for who to call to take care of Lucas, but it still scares me to know that he could wake up one morning and his mama and dada not be there. He's a big boy though and he keeps proving that to me. We've had a couple of people come by to review our "Lucas Labor Plan" and he had practically jumped in their arms when they walked in the door and was very excited to have them there to play with him. I bet he really enjoys himself, but that won't keep me from worrying about it!
I haven't been as good about taking belly pics this time around, but here are some pics of me during week 37...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Full Term!

Our baby is due in 3 weeks from today, which means I am 37 weeks pregnant and considered full term. This means that she can come any minute now! I don't think I'm showing any signs of labor, but my first sign that Lucas was on his way was when my water broke, so no signs doesn't mean anything one way or the other. At my appointment today they said that her head is down and they told me where her back and feet are positioned. I already knew these things because she is constantly poking her heel out of the right side of my belly. My b/p was 110/60, weight was about 154 (ended up at 155 with Lucas) and her h/b sounded good.

Jeff and I have a list of to-dos for this wknd:
- pack bags for ourselves and baby AND Lucas (in case he has to sleep somewhere else)
- finalize Lucas Labor plan (we have a plan of who to call for him for every hour of the day)
- try to finish the final touches on baby's room
- make sure house is clean, especially guest room and guest bathroom
- make some food and snacks for our hospital stay
- I'm sure there is more to do that I'm forgetting...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Contest: Guess the Baby's Birthday!

In celebration of the beginning of the four week countdown, we're hosting a contest to guess the baby's birthday. All you need to do is leave a comment on this site. If you don't have an account you can choose the "anonymous" option, but sign your name.

Guess her birthday and her weight and we'll use the weight as a tie breaker in case anyone guesses the same birthday.

Here are some things that may play into your guess:

- Due date is Friday, October 17th
- Lucas was 5 days early

The WINNER gets a $10 gift certificate to : )

I love my high needs baby.

I was recently reading a Dr. Sears book on discipline when I came across the definition of a "high needs baby" once again. Dr. Sears has 8 children. This is an excerpt from his book:

"Our first three children were relatively "easy" infants. They slept well and had a predictable feeding routine. Their needs were easy to identify—and satisfy. In fact, I began to suspect that parents in my pediatric practice who complained about their fussy babies were exaggerating. "What's all the fuss about difficult babies?" I wondered.

Then came Hayden, our fourth, whose birth changed our lives. Our first clue that she was going to be different came within a day or two. "I can't put her down," became Martha's recurrent theme. Breastfeeding for Hayden was not only a source of food, but a source of comfort. Martha became a human pacifier. Hayden would not accept substitutes. She was constantly in arms and at her mother's breast -- and after a while those arms and breasts would get tired. Hayden's cries were not mere requests, they were all-out demands. Well-meaning friends suggested, "Just put her down and let her cry it out." That didn't work at all. Her extraordinary persistence kept her crying. Her cries did not fade away. They intensified if we didn't respond.
Hayden was very good at teaching us what she needed. "As long as we hold her, she's content" became our baby-care slogan. If we tried letting her fuss, she only fussed harder. We played "pass the baby." When Martha's arms gave out, into mine she came.

Hayden became an in arms, at breast and in-our-bed baby. If we tried to leave her for a much-needed baby break, she'd protest against any baby sitter. The neighborhood slogan became: Everywhere Bill and Martha went Hayden was sure to go. We tagged her "The Velcro Baby." Hayden opened us up as persons. The turning point came when we closed the baby books and opened our hearts to our child. Instead of defensively getting caught up in the spoiling fear, we started listening to what Hayden had been trying to tell us from the moment she exited the womb: "Hi, mom and dad! You've been blessed with a different kind of baby, and I need a different kind of parenting. If you give it to me, we're going to get along fine. If you don't, we're in for a long struggle." As soon as we discarded our preconceived ideas of how babies are supposed to be and accepted the reality of how Hayden was, we all got along much better. Hayden taught us that tiny babies don't manipulate, they communicate.

Hayden didn't fit any of the usual labels. She really wasn't a "fussy" baby, as long as we held her and attended to her needs. "Spirited" was misleading; everyone wants a spirited baby. She wasn't "colicky," since she didn't seem to be in pain. Nor did the tag "difficult" ring true; some may beg to differ, but we were finding that holding and being near a baby to whom we were becoming so attached was not all that difficult. Besides, these labels were too negative for this little person who seemed to know so positively what she needed and how to get it. It wasn't until years later, after talking with dozens of parents of babies who also needed to nurse so often, needed to be held a lot, needed human contact at night, that the term "high need child" came to us. It best describes the kind of baby Hayden was and the level of parenting she needed.

In my pediatric practice, I discovered that the term "high need child" was P.C. -- psychologically correct. By the time drained parents came to me for counseling about their demanding baby, they had already been on the receiving end of a barrage of negatives: "You hold her too much," "It must be your milk," "She's controlling you." All relayed an underlying message of "bad baby and bad parenting." They felt it was somehow their fault their baby acted this way. As soon as I would pronounce the diagnosis "high need child," I could see a look of relief on the faces of the parents. Finally, someone had something nice to say about their baby. "High need" sounds special, intelligent, unique, and it shifts the focus to the baby's personality, relieving parents from the guilt of believing that their baby acts this way because of their parenting. Further, "high need" suggests that there is something parents can do to help this baby. It underscores the idea that these babies simply need more: more touch, more understanding, more sensitivity, more attachment parenting.

Dr. Sears lists 12 characteristics of a "high needs baby" in his book... they describe baby Lucas perfectly: intense, hyperactive, draining, feeds frequently, demanding, awakens frequently, unsatisfied, unpredictable, has to be held, super-sensitive, not a self soother and separation sensitive.

Jeff and I still crack up at how accurately this list describes Lucas when he was a baby (and even some still today). The point of this post, however, is that he also has a list of adjectives to describe the "high needs toddler". At the top of his list is "daredevil".

Yep, that's our Lucas alright! This is what I saw when I turned my back for 1 second at the park yesterday...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyson!

Our best friend is 5 years old today!

Jeff and I still talk about the first time that we saw Tyson and our first night together. Tyson slept in a crate in the kitchen (I can't believe we left him alone the first night!), but woke us up crying in the middle of the night. We spent some time comforting him and then I spent the night on the floor beside his crate. Since that day he has been our #1 baby and our best friend in the world. He's such a great dog... we love him so much! Happy Birthday TT!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One Month Countdown (to Baby)

Wow, only one month to go... or 4 wks from this Friday!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chalk, Gravel and Crushed Ice

That is what I'm craving.

I already knew that this was called Pica and figured it was due to the pregnancy, but my midwife confirmed it last week. She said she's heard of stranger cravings and if I really needed to that it wouldn't hurt me to take a bite of chalk. I didn't tell her about the ice because I figured it was just because I was hot, but I cannot get enough crushed ice! I laughed when I googled "pica" and saw this:

If you've installed an automated icemaker to satisfy your craving to eat ice, or if you're dining on actual mud pies - your body may be trying to tell you it needs iron...An appetite for nonfood items - such as ice, dirt, clay paste, starch, hair and refrigerator frost - is called pica...
"Pica is most often reported among pregnant women,"...

My iron was tested, so I'm not worried. Off to get more crushed ice... and maybe some dirt.

How things change...

It's funny how different things are the second time around. The first time we were pregnant we were SO consumed by planning for the actual delivery of the baby (we took a 12 week labor class). I didn't give much thought to what would happen when the baby came home with us. Now I am hardly thinking of the delivery and am kind of freaking out about what will happen when the baby comes home with us! Not to belittle child birth, but it only lasts 14-24 hours in most cases. I am planning on another medicine free delivery and am hoping that it works out, but STILL... only 1 day. I know now that the first few months will include around the clock feedings at best. That honestly didn't bother me at all with Lucas because I expected it and it was all I had to worry about. Now we have to do that, but also reserve enough energy to hang out with our first kiddo. And what if we have another baby that won't take a bottle, nurses for over two years (still going with Lucas) and still wakes up in the night sometimes? Yikes! How the heck has this been done before?

Parade with Mama and Dada

We went to a parade in downtown Raleigh last week to celebrate the opening of a new civic center. It was one of the lamest parades that Jeff and I had ever seen, but Lucas didn't know the difference. He liked the horses and the candy throwing, but mostly enjoyed all of the people and the excitement. They threw lots of candy our way, but the other kids scooped it up before Lucas could get to it, so the only thing left for him was a piece of chewing gum. We didn't have the heart to tell him he couldn't have it, so we told him that it was like a sucker and you had to lick it. It was so cute to see him lick that piece of gum for the next 1/2 hour!

1st Piece of Gum

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lucas's First Play Date Away from Home

Lucas has 9 friends at school and seems to like all of them about the same. At first he talked more about the older kids (3yrs +), but now he talks more often about the kids that are around his age (2yrs). I have met all of the parents and like all of them very much. There are three that I have particularly bonded with, mostly due to age and living in the same neighborhood (although Francis doesn't live in my neighborhood, but I've known her the longest and we have tons in common). The friends that we've seen the most lately are Lincoln and Ms. Kelly. They live about 2 miles away from us, so it's really easy.
Last weekend Lincoln came to our house to play from 9:30-12:30 and this weekend Lucas went to their house for the same time period. I know that Lucas really enjoys Lincoln and his parents, so I wasn't really worried about his first play date away from home (without mama), but I must admit that I was a tiny bit concerned. The little stinker showed me though. He barely stopped playing to tell me good-bye when I dropped him off. When we picked him up he was very excited to see us, but showed it in the form of playing like a silly monkey with Lincoln. I think he was excited that we were there, but would have preferred us to stay and play instead of take him home. He protested a little when we left, but was pretty much okay. When we got home however, Jeff and I looked in the backseat and his eyes were wide and his lips were almost trembling... his sad look. He was truly sad that he had to leave his friend's house and come home. Ahhh! It was bittersweet... I'm glad he had fun but not too happy that he'd rather be at someone else's house. I'm sure this is the first of many times that I feel like this over the next 20 years... (sigh).
Here are some pics of the kiddos at our house...

"Blincoln, move peas. Lucas turn!"

(Lucas had gotten his clothes dirty)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Wiggles!!

A couple of weeks ago we took Lucas to see The Wiggles in concert! I think they have been touring for about 15 years and have never been to Raleigh, so it was HUGE. I kind of freaked when the tickets went on sale and spent hours on the phone trying to get the best seats, best price, etc.... only to find out that they were so popular that Raleigh had to schedule 3 additional concerts and they all sold out too. These guys have the money rolling in.. not only from ticket sales, but from the ridiculously expensive merchandise that they sell at the show (plastic c-r-a-p toy for $17!). LB did get a t-shirt, but it was only $17, which I thought was reasonable. Anyway, the show was fun. Lucas sat in my lap for 90% of it and was a little intimidated when they dimmed the lights at the beginning, but I think he enjoyed it (despite the bored look on his face in some of the pictures). A couple of times he turned around and said, "Mama, it's Dorothy!"... or whoever was on stage at the time. As we were walking out of the arena he said, "Mama, Wiggles fun!" Thanks Lucas - Mama thought the Wiggles were fun too : )

After the show in his new shirt.

3rd Haircut

We decided that Lucas's cute little curls sometimes appeared "mullet-y" and that it was time for a little more than a trim. This was actually a few weeks ago and I'm behind on posting about it. At first I thought it was too short, but it grew on me quickly. Lucas was a good boy during his cut, although it did take sitting in mama's lap, a red sucker and the video of "A Bug's Life" playing to make it a success...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Water Talk

This morning in the car on the way to school (my "water" was a mix of water and lemonade)...

Lucas: "Water peas."

Mama: "Okay, here ya go."

Lucas, 10 seconds after the first sip: "Water peas."

Mama: Hand Lucas my cup again.

Lucas, as he hands the cup back to Mama: "Mama, dat lemonade."

Last night as I was rocking him to sleep... all in whispers...

Lucas: "Water peas." I hand him the glass of water.

Repeat at least 5 times in next 5 minutes.

Lucas: "Water peas."

Mama, tired of leaning over and picking up the water: "Lucas, it's all gone."

Lucas, after a few seconds of pondering my response: "Mama, go get more water."

Monday, September 01, 2008

Professional Pictures!!!

A few years ago one of my friends was about 7 months pregnant with a two year old little boy, like me, and had some professional pictures taken. I thought they were beautiful because it captured the love between the mommy and the little boy , but also showed that there would soon be another baby. I don't know how it's going to be with two babies, but I'm sure that Lucas won't get the same amount of attention from me that he does now (even though I'll try!). Anyway, it was important to me to have some pics taken with just Lucas and me before the new baby arrives. Soon there will be two babies to love, but right now it's just my little Lucas...

My friend Gina likes taking pictures and has talked about starting her own photography business one day. She's taken a few random pictures of Lucas before and also took pictures of his first birthday party. I was so happy when she said that she'd love to have us be one of her first customers, but even happier when I saw the results! She did a great job - thanks Gina!

Here is the slideshow in youtube. The quality of the pics aren't as great to view this way, but it's the only way we knew how to upload the slideshow to the blog...