Friday, September 26, 2008

Full Term!

Our baby is due in 3 weeks from today, which means I am 37 weeks pregnant and considered full term. This means that she can come any minute now! I don't think I'm showing any signs of labor, but my first sign that Lucas was on his way was when my water broke, so no signs doesn't mean anything one way or the other. At my appointment today they said that her head is down and they told me where her back and feet are positioned. I already knew these things because she is constantly poking her heel out of the right side of my belly. My b/p was 110/60, weight was about 154 (ended up at 155 with Lucas) and her h/b sounded good.

Jeff and I have a list of to-dos for this wknd:
- pack bags for ourselves and baby AND Lucas (in case he has to sleep somewhere else)
- finalize Lucas Labor plan (we have a plan of who to call for him for every hour of the day)
- try to finish the final touches on baby's room
- make sure house is clean, especially guest room and guest bathroom
- make some food and snacks for our hospital stay
- I'm sure there is more to do that I'm forgetting...

1 comment:

Ali said...

just wanted you to know that i've been thinking about you guys alot and we're praying for a healthy baby and healthy momma!! :) wow, any day now! that is sooo exciting!