Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Lucas had a teacher's workday today, so this morning we decided to BOO Finn!  Lucas drew the ghost and letters and then we quietly delivered to Finn's door and then hid behind the car to see him open it.  Lucas loved it!

Finally, time for the reveal of their costumes!  Lucas decided weeks ago that he wanted to be a "blue skeleton"... which was just a random costume that he saw at T*rget.  Ellen, when asked, exclaimed that she wanted to be a pig.  I have no idea where that came from!  I was able to find this adorable costume, but only in size 18-24 months.  It fit well except for the leg length, so I just cut the feet off and put her in pink tights and sparkly slippers instead.  Cutest.pig.ever.


Pizza and Trick-or-Treating

I don't remember it ever raining on Halloween, but it did tonight.  Poured!  We already had plans with Lincoln's family, however, so we just stuck with the plan... pizza and then trick-or-treating.  We lasted about an hour and it rained pretty hard for most of the time.  We had umbrellas, but Lincoln and Lucas were too excited to go that slow.  So they raced ahead while we pulled the little ones in the wagon or held them.  

Ellen started out unsure, but quickly got the hang of it!

Oscar, Ellen, Lincoln and Lucas

Brandon, Jeff and Kelly
Kelly and the boys

Here is Ellen, getting the hang of it! 

Post trick-or-treating group shot
Halloween cupcake and show your loot time

As we were pulling into our driveway we saw that Finn had just started, so Lucas and I joined them for another 45 minutes!  Was nice to go around our street...

And this is what my boys looked like shortly after the big night : )

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fall Festival - Take Two

Like I said, I LOVE this time of year!  We went to another festival today by the playground that we go to often.  It was a beautiful day and it wasn't that crowded.  The highlight for the kids was this bouncy house...

Raleigh Skyline
Ellen chose to wear a pumpkin costume and then wanted a ghost tatoo.  She was adorable!  She also insisted on wearing Lucas's blue hat (her favorite color).  At the bottom she is playing with a neighborhood boy, Max.... they were playing with a bug : )

My favorite part was that they got to paint a pumpkin outside of this little studio that has children's art classes. Ellen took this VERY seriously!

Kelly and Lincoln were there too! 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Festival

I love this time of year! There are so many fall festivals!  Our neighbor told us about this one at her church, which was free (a relief after the expense of the fair rides).  We HAD to start out with some cotton candy.  And then we watched the pastor get hit in the face with some pies.  The even had pony rides!  


The kid is playing basketball on Saturdays now.  He's also play soccer every Monday night.  Usually I would think this is too much, but the bball is a very casual "league" that we are playing in with friends.  Plus, we can walk to the church where they are playing, so it's something fun to do on a Saturday morning.  They practice for 45 minutes and then scrimmage for 45 minutes.  He's on Lucas E's and Blane's team.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Ellen's Halloween Tea

Ellen got to wear her costume to school today, go trick-or-treating around the preschool, and then have a special Halloween Tea (snack), which the parents were invited to.  For some reason, they changed them out of their costumes before the tea.  After the snack the kids got to go "pick" a pumpkin and then decorate it. 

Book and Bite

Lucas's teacher setup a program called Book and Bite for his classroom.  It's where a parent comes to lunch on a designated day and reads to a group of children while they eat their lunch.  Today was my first day and my timing was rather unfortunate.  I love these kids, but they were so wild today because they had their Halloween festivities all morning.  And somehow I got assigned six boys when my friend Ashley had two boys and two girls.  Whew!  It was exhausting. But they are all sweet and I'm glad I get to do it.  

Geovanny, George, Lucas, Pierre-Michele, Elijah and David