Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lucas's Hair - Before and After

Lucas got his hair cut yesterday by the same guy that cuts my hair and Jeff's hair. We were a little leary of taking him to a grown-up salon. When I told him that he was going to get his hair cut and get a lollipop he said, "And watch Bugs!" since the kiddie place we've taken him before has movies at each station. But it turned out to be really fun for him, despite the lack of videos. The staff seemed bored, so they played with him while we waited. During the cut he fidgeted a little, but not enough to make a difference. Overall he seemed to enjoy it. And the best part, his hair looks great! Joey spent 20 min on it instead of 2... and he said that he cut Lucas's hair like he cuts his rocker customers with longer hair : )
Here are the pics...


Quite possibly the best hour of his life...

We saw on Lily's blog that they just opened up one of those jumping places near our house. We'd been to another one for a birthday party and I wasn't too impressed. There was only one jumpy thing there and it seemed like once the kids got bored they started getting silly and aggressive (can you really blame them?!). But this place that we went to today was crazy big! They had at least 6 of these HUGE jumpy things. I don't know had a better time - Lucas or me! The slides were steep and slippery and were really fun to slide down. We can't wait to go back. One hour at a time for my two year old though...
Here is Lucas mid-slide...
And here is the nut diving into this little pool. Can you see the pure joy on his face?!
And here is Lucas with one of his favorite ladies, Ms. Kelly.
And here is Lucas with one of his favorite buddies, Lincoln.
Sweet boys...

Me with the two stinkers...

Me with my turkey about to go down a BIG slide!

And the boys lookign through a mesh window...

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jimmy Buffett

Scene: Driving Lucas to school this morning enjoying singing Margaritaville and remembering the fun times I had at his concerts back in Atlanta... (buffett is coming to Raleigh in April)...

Lucas: "Mommy, it too woud!"

Mommy: "Sorry Lucas. This is Jimmy Buffett. I like Jimmy Buffett songs."

Lucas: "My don't like Buffett. It too woud!"

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How you know when it's time to get your son a haircut...

When you can give him pigtails! We have one scheduled for Friday.

Flavor of the Week

My baby wearing preferences change with each stage. At first I loved the Ergo with the infant insert because Ellen slept all the time and liked to be snuggled like a little baby burrito. Now she does not like to be held in the cradle position or with her head looking over my shoulder. She prefers to be facing out, so I either wear her in the Baby Bjorn, the sling, or carrier her around like a football. I think we'll really like the Ergo when she gets a little bigger. She has to straddle my waist in that carrier and her legs aren't that big yet. I think the box said to try it at 4 months. Anyway, here is the little lady and her brother a couple of years ago...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Pretty Boy

Saturday Activities

Our friends Blane and Karis came over with their mama, Carol, on Saturday morning. The boys got along really well and Carol and I got to "relax" a few minutes with the girls and talk while they played upstairs.

Lucas has such a sweet heart. When they walked in the door he exclaimed, "two baby Ellens!" and he kept rubbing her head and touching her cheeks like he does with Ellen...

During Lucas's nap Jeff and I both decided that we were craving a special dessert, so we tried out a local cupcake "shoppe". We laughed because Lucas was SO excited, but he really likes the idea of dessert more than the actual dessert. You can see here that he just picked at his cupcake : )

Friday, January 23, 2009

Who does Ellen look like?

My sister and I love to play this game. She just left a message on the pictures below asking me again who she looks like. Last week I asked Jeff's cousin, Brie, for a baby picture of herself because we were thinking that she looks like Jeff's mom side of the family (Brie is Jeff's 1st cousin on his mom's side). When we opened up this picture we could immediately see the resemblance! Ellen has the same little cheeks, chin, and fair skin that Brie had as a baby. Jeff also has these features, but we don't have a baby picture of him that shows it this well.

PS - Brie is now grown and still very beautiful!!

The Lady Bird

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

3 Month Overall Shot



Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Look what we woke up to today!

SNOW! And not just a little... 6 inches! It was Lucas's first big snow and he couldn't wait to get out in it...
Once we got ready to go outside, which took forever, this is what we saw...

It was so pretty and there was that silent, just snowed feeling in the air...
This was the view down our street...
And here is Lucas learning to make snowballs!
Lucas loved it...
... but Tyson LOVED it! He was diving and rolling and acting like a crazy man.
You can tell from the look on his face that he didn't want to come in...
But it was an important day and we didn't want to miss this...
Or this... the best part of snow days... the hot chocolate to warm you up!
After nap we invited Lincoln and Mr. Brandon over for a snowball fight. Lucas plays dirty by waiting until Lincoln was fixing his gloves and then he'd nail him (sorry Lincoln!)
Lucas had fun this morning with Jeff and me, but he had a blast with his buddy Lincoln...

The Lady Bird wasn't much of a fan of the snow...
And finally, more hot chocolate and silly boys!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I just realized today...

... that Lucas is more of a kid than a baby. We had a parent/teacher conference at his school this afternoon, so I dropped him off at a friend's house for an hour or so. When the child's dad answered the door Lucas said, "Where's Lincoln?!" and then ran into the house without looking back. I knew that Ellen was getting fussy in the car, so I said, "See ya in an hour!" and ran back to the car. As I was driving away I realized that I hadn't told Lucas bye or even told him that I was leaving. Mr. Brandon later told me that when he got downstairs Lucas and Lincoln were already playing and Lucas never asked about me. This sounds sad, but it's not really. He's growing into a very confident and independant little dude. We left him with a sitter on Saturday night and he did just fine, loved it in fact. I may finally realize that he's okay with being away from me. (again, not sad - I'm proud of him!)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Three Months Old!

The Lady Bird, as her dada calls her, is now three months old. The time is flying. She still seems like a newborn to me, which I guess she technically is, but she's growing fast. Any day now she's going to be rolling over and then sitting up. I can hardly believe it. We still think she is the sweetest little angel. We are also certain that she's an old soul. She is so calm, confident, and relaxed as if she's thinking, "What's the big deal? You just whine a little when you need something and then scream out if nobody is paying attention. This baby stuff is a piece of cake!"

Every day I tell her how beautiful she is and how I can't believe that I'm so lucky to be her mama. She makes me feel so happy with her big, mouth-wide-open smiles. She smiles so much, even when she should be mad at me. For example, I just suctioned her nose. At first she looked at me with a stunned, what the heck? look, but then she grinned at me... first with her eyes and then with her big cheeks.

Yum, yum, kiss, kiss - I love Miss Ellen!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Who is the cutest "little lady" (that lives in Raleigh) that you know?

Miss Ellen, of course!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lucas's idea of fun...

Lucas doesn't like to "play" that much. Some of his friends will play with their toys for hours, like pushing a truck all over the house. Lucas has always been more into "helping" us, like playing in the sink for example, while I wash dishes. If we play in his playroom for 2 hours, usually 30 min will be spent playing with his new trains, and the rest of the time is spent on puzzles, cutting paper (or other things) with his scissors, or coloring. And as far as outside play goes, I think he'd rather play with rocks or dirt over a playground any day. Here is the turkey helping Jeff blow and rake leaves... poor baby needs a Lucas sized rake!