Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lucas's idea of fun...

Lucas doesn't like to "play" that much. Some of his friends will play with their toys for hours, like pushing a truck all over the house. Lucas has always been more into "helping" us, like playing in the sink for example, while I wash dishes. If we play in his playroom for 2 hours, usually 30 min will be spent playing with his new trains, and the rest of the time is spent on puzzles, cutting paper (or other things) with his scissors, or coloring. And as far as outside play goes, I think he'd rather play with rocks or dirt over a playground any day. Here is the turkey helping Jeff blow and rake leaves... poor baby needs a Lucas sized rake!


Anonymous said...

Once again, I think the name Lucas is not the only thing our children have in common! They are so much alike:-)


Anonymous said...

Once again, I think the name Lucas is not the only thing our children have in common! They are so much alike:-)


Brittain... said...

Ben is the same way. It's hard to buy him toys. He loves to "help" Jamie and will follow him around all day. His favorite Christmas present is a huge book about the universe, not even for kids. Maybe they're just ADVANCED!