Monday, September 29, 2008

Any minute now!

The baby can realistically be born at any time now, which is very exciting! I remember these last few weeks as being exciting with Lucas too. It reminds me of the feeling I got as a kid before Christmas in anticipation of the big day. Along with the excitement there is a little stress over the to-do lists that seem to get longer and not shorter, but also over the logistics of the labor day. I've almost got everything organized for who to call to take care of Lucas, but it still scares me to know that he could wake up one morning and his mama and dada not be there. He's a big boy though and he keeps proving that to me. We've had a couple of people come by to review our "Lucas Labor Plan" and he had practically jumped in their arms when they walked in the door and was very excited to have them there to play with him. I bet he really enjoys himself, but that won't keep me from worrying about it!
I haven't been as good about taking belly pics this time around, but here are some pics of me during week 37...


Jennifer said...

Shan, I know it is not realistic, but try not to worry about Lucas too much while you're in labor. He will be in safe hands and with people that love him. I don't want you to be too stressed out.
Love you,

Frances Katrin said...

Wow! You really are getting bigger. :) I thought you were joking about any minute now, until I scrolled down.

When I was that far along, a co-worker (male) looked at me and said, "Oh my gosh. How far apart are the contractions?" I still chuckle when I think about that. Amazing how much we shoot out in those last few weeks.

For Lucas, I think it will be like his first Christmas too... he'll wake up one morning and his good friend will say, "Your Mommy and Daddy had your baby sister this morning! Want to see her?" Imagine the butterflies in his tummy. He will be so happy for the gift you are giving him- a lifelong friend.

Holly said...

Everytime I click on your blog I expect to see a post from you that you are headed to the hospital to have the baby. I'm so excited it's October finally! I can't wait for the big news!

Kristen said...

You are looking as beautiful as ever! We can't wait to hear about baby sister's arrival! I would love to bring the girls over to visit after you have the baby. See you all soon!