It's probably obvious by my lack of blogs that it's taken me a few days to get back into our routine (or whatever you call what we do all day). A common question is if being a mom is hard. My response is that it's not hard at all to be a mom to Lucas, but really hard to get everything else done! If I had someone to brush my teeth for me, pick out my clothes, run errands, and do the housework, being a mom would be a piece of cake. I guess all experienced moms are laughing at how naive I was, but I'll admit that I was surprised at how hard it is to get anything done with an infant around. Anyway, I think I can manage to get back to our daily blogs now.
We met with our play group yesterday. It was the first week where all of the babies looked like babies and not infants. They are all "talking", smiling and holding their heads more steady. Here are the pictures...
Blane, Naomi, Lucas, Charles (Nora was out of town). 

A possible conversation between Blane and Lucas:
Lucas: You're kiddin' dude!
Blane: I'm serious dude, that's how it happened.
Still a little unsteady...
Mom, my pants are pulled up too high and I look like a fool!
We know you are doing a great job as Lucas' mom. Try not to worry about all that other stuff, you will find ways to do what is important as time goes on. We go to play groups too! The kids love playing with different toys at each new house we go to.
Lucas is so cute!!! He is getting so big so quickly. You are such great parents to him and he will appreciate all the time and effort you have put into making him a happy baby (which he seems to those pictures he looks so relaxed!).
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