Well, Lucas wasn't really sick, but it was unscheduled so that's what they call it. A few weeks ago I wrote about how Lucas was acting "colicky". Soon after that we determined that he has acid reflux. The biggest indicator was that he would cry during eating, which showed that he was having the milk come back up and burn his little throat. After much discussion, we put him on a medicine called Axid, similar to Zantac. I swear that he smiled at me two seconds after giving him the first dose - it really made him feel better. Well, he was fine for four weeks, but has been acting "colicky" again for the past few days. The doctor did a thorough exam and said that he looks great to him, so just try giving him a little more Axid. If that doesn't work then he said I can try taking dairy out of my diet. We'll see how it goes.
The good part of the story is that we changed pediatricians and yesterday was our first visit. There is just one doctor and one nurse, and that's it. Not even a receptionist. I felt like I was in Mayberry. They said that Lucas weighs 12lbs 5 oz and is 24 inches long. That puts him at 40% in weight and 60% in height. They said that his previous height measurements probably weren't accurate because he was still all scrunched up. We knew he looked long and skinny, and now we have the stats to back it up.
In other news, Lucas is trying hard to roll over from his back to his stomach. He nearly makes it, but his right arm keeps getting in the way.
Lucas is such a cutie and he is so big!!!! I am so sorry to hear he had acid reflux...it must hurt. I hope you are all doing well.
Don't you just love Dr. Wiles & Janet?? They are so great! Hope Lucas is feeling better...
So what happens when the baby is sick and the doctor's on vacation? I always wondered about that.
Ben had terrible reflux, you could litteraly feel it coming up with your hand on his back, and of course he screamed a lot! He was on Zantac and slept in bouncy seat for the first 3 months. Then we elavated his mattress in his crib. Formula with cereal or rice (A.R) made the biggest difference because it was thicker and stayed down. Good luck!
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