Saturday, April 10, 2010

Once everyone had flown around a little, the camp officially began. The campers were asked if they knew what a superhero is. They blurted out that they fight crime and bad guys. (By the way, side note. I was impressed with these kids... they new all of the answers and seemed really sharp.) We talked about how most of the superheros that we know about fight crime, bad guys and even monsters on t.v... but that we know monsters are just pretend. So there would be no monster stuff at this camp, but they could become a superhero by meeting three criteria. They had to be 1) Strong and Healthy 2) Pick up their trash 3) Polite and Kind.
I asked them if they knew how to become strong and they immediately said, "Eat vegetables!" and then someone chimed in, "and fruit!". Right! So I quizzed them on their knowledge of fruits and vegetables by holding up about 15 examples. They got all of them except for the avocado.
Next we talked about what they would do if they were finished with their lollipop. Would they throw the stick on the ground? NO WAY! It goes in the trash! They all chimed in with silly laughs and voices.
Next they were quizzed on their manners. Like what do you say when you want someone to pass the ketchup, and then what do you say after they give it to you. Then I asked what you say if someone is in your way at the playground and you want to go down the slide. Lucas screamed, "Excuse me, please!"

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