Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We've been meaning to have a talk with Ellen about Blue for a while, but have put it off because we were expecting a week of crankiness and didn't have the energy to deal with it. But we decided that enough was enough and told her when she woke up on Monday that Blue had to stay in her bed. She can have Blue if she needs it, but she'll have to go get into the bed.

It has been a breeze! It was like all we had to do was tell her the rules and she adapted. We've had a few instances of her asking and not being happy with our response.

- In the car, on the way home from preschool yesterday she asked Jeff, "Where's Blue, Dada?" And Jeff told her it was in her room. Jeff said she asked again and again and again and each time Jeff said, "It's in your room, Ellen." Finally, instead of asking again, Ellen got mad and screamed, "NO DADA!" Even when Ellen is mad, she is cute : )

- This morning she and Lucas were playing a game of chase when she tripped and hit her head. It wasn't serious, but she was crying for a few minutes. I was holding her when she decided to get out of my lap and march upstairs without saying anything. I knew what she was doing. She felt since she was hurt that she was entitled to some extra comfort, so she went and got Blue from her room and marched back downstairs, happy once again : )

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