Our little guy did great on the plane rides, which is everyone's first question when you tell them you traveled across country with an infant. He slept all the way there and most of the way back. The worst part of the trip were the couple of times when we had to put him in a carseat...his worst enemy at this point.
I think the trip was great for his social skills. He was seriously held nearly every second of the trip, except for when he was sleeping at night. This was good to get him used to different people, but was a challenge for me today because he expected the same amount of attention. We hold him all of the time anyway, but when new people are holding him they just sit or sway with him. When I hold him at home I often try to load the dishwasher, check email, etc....Lucas would have none of that today.
Another challenge as a result of the trip is that Lucas loved the crisp Santa Cruz air and was outside just about all day each day. This morning he was fussy, but as soon as I stepped outside he was all smiles. I guess we'll have to stock up on the sunscreen.
Here are some pictures from the week...