Lucas is one month old today! He celebrated by getting up early, watching his first Baby Einstein DVD, eating a lot, going on a walk, going on his first public outing (Target) and getting a new pacifier (that he actually likes).
At one month Lucas likes being held upright and patted on the back, laying on his belly, baths, being outside, going on walks in the front carrier, being swaddled. Lucas does not like being on his back, going on stroller walks, being put in carseat when he is awake, being cradled like a baby. Lucas's first intentional smile, in my opinion, was on May 3rd for his Dad when Jeff got home from work. Lucas's usual schedule is that he eats about every 2.5-3 hours all day and night, with one long nap of about 4 hours around 6-10am and a 3 hour nap in the afternoon.
Pictures from today...
Locked in on the Baby Einstein video...

He's so cute! And you are so lucky with those nice long naps!! In my experience, it just gets better... Enjoy! :)
PS. Lily doesn't like her stroller yet either! I always end up with her in the sling or the bjorn, pushing an empty stroller!
It's hard to believe Lucas is already a month old. I keep telling Baby Conklin he needs to come out and play too. So far he has been ignoring his mommy!
I love seeing pictures of him!
He is so precious! Enjoy the long naps! Hunter is 5months old and still does not nap or sleep at night for long periods of time. He just started enjoying bath time this week. It is amazing how fast they grow and change.
Lucas is too cute!!!! I can't believe he is already a month old. Madison loves Baby Einstein too.
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