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Monday, July 31, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Colic Update
Everyone said that if babies have colic that it goes away at three months, and thankfully this is what happened with Lucas. It was amazing to see the change because it was almost over night. He was kind of fussy and fidgety one day, and completely calm and relaxed the next. The day we noticed this change was about the same day that he giggled for the first time, so he must have also been happy with the change! Here are some pictures from the past couple of days...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Baby Talk
It is amazing how fast Lucas is growing. It seems that he changes right before our eyes. This week he has started grasping for his toys that hang from his swing and he has also started baby talking. We are trying to leave his pacifier out a little more so that he is able to express himself better (he loves his pacifier). Here he is talking to his toys...
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Having fun with SaSa
Today was my first day back to work. My schedule is going to be Monday mornings and Tuesday/Thurday all day. I'll be working from home, for which I'm so thankful! We've found a nanny, but she won't start for a couple more weeks. The grandmas are filling in for the first two weeks.
SaSa arrived on Saturday and is having a lot of fun with Lucas. I don't know if he remembers her from when he was 7 weeks old, but he has been smiling and laughing for her non-stop. Seeing that Lucas does so well with someone other than Jeff and me makes me feel more relaxed about going back to work.
SaSa arrived on Saturday and is having a lot of fun with Lucas. I don't know if he remembers her from when he was 7 weeks old, but he has been smiling and laughing for her non-stop. Seeing that Lucas does so well with someone other than Jeff and me makes me feel more relaxed about going back to work.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Cloth Diapers
Lucas has always had a tiny bit of diaper rash, so we are going to use cloth diapers instead of disposables. We were using a service for about 5 weeks (they pick up your diapers weekly, wash them, and then return them to you), but they weren't dependable so were are going to do it ourselves now. I'm looking forward to it - the diapers these days have velcro and snaps, so no safety pins like when we were little. Here is Lucas sporting his new look (kind of bulky).

Watching the Brittish Open

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Small Play Date
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A Video for SaSa
Sandy requested more videos, so here is Lucas just hanging out. It is too hot to go outside, so we have to play inside today...
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday Brunch
This weekend Naomi invited Lucas over for a brunch at her house. We are trying to get together with all of the play group folks on the weekends now and then since Blane's mom has gone back to work and can't make Wednesdays anymore. Here is the gang...
Here is lucas with his birthday buddy, Naomi. She is small, but tough. Here she is showing Lucas who is boss...(see her left hand grasping Lucas's neck)

Lucas fell asleep in the car on the way there, and then slept through the entire brunch. He had just woken up 2 minutes before this picture was taken...Lucas, Naomi, Charles, Blane and Nora

"Mom, help me out here!"
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Laughing Lucas
Lucas, Tyson and I usually take a walk right before Lucas's morning nap. He didn't fall asleep this morning in his front carrier, so I decided to do some squats while he looked out the window and got sleepy. See what happened....
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Play Group
Play group was fun this week since we hadn't seen each other in a while. Blane's mom has gone back to work, so we'll only get to see him on the weekends about once a month now. We had another baby join us though - Wyatt. Wyatt is 5 weeks younger than Lucas, but is a big boy so fits right in with the "big kids".

Nora, Charles, Wyatt, Naomi, Lucas

14 1/2 Week Old Lucas
I start working p/t in about a week and a half, so we're just taking it easy until then. Lucas has fallen into somewhat of a routine, at least with his morning nap, so it's nice to be able to stay close to home. Here he is yesterday just hanging out.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Sleep Rolling
Each stage has been more exciting than the last, but each stage also has it's challenges. Now that Lucas can roll over we are having a little more fun trying to get him to sleep and to stay asleep. He goes down okay, but wakes himself up an hour later. We usually find him face down in the corner of the crib. Every nap time and night time we try something new - side positioners, swaddling, starting on stomach, etc. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Friday, July 07, 2006
Big Brother
People always ask how Lucas is doing and if he's sleeping through the night, but then they usually ask how Tyson is adapting to the changes. Well, he's doing just great and has been great from the day we brought Lucas home. For the first couple of weeks I felt like he was a little mad at me, but he has always been gentle towards Lucas. He likes to lick Lucas on the head and the ears, but he only does that every once in awhile. He usually just sniffs his hands and then goes on about his business. In the beginning though, it was so cute because Tyson would react to Lucas's crying. He would be in another room, but would come running into the room Lucas was in to see what was wrong. He even got to where he would wake from a deep sleep if he heard a baby crying on t.v. His latest thing is that he likes to get in Lucas's crib - and of course we let him. Usually Lucas is in there when Tyson wants in, but sometimes Lucas isn't even in the room and Tyson will start barking to get in by himself. Whether Lucas is in there or not, he just curls up in a corner and goes to sleep. Jeff and I will walk away and then peek back in to see his little eyes looking through the railing at us. (Don't worry, we only leave him in there for a couple of minutes - he's not sleeping all night with Lucas...yet).
Tyson with Dad
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Three Months Old!

I fall more in love with this little guy everyday, and I won't speak for Jeff, but I think he feels the same way. We can both tell now that he knows that we're his mom and dad, and are almost certain to get a big grin if we want one. It's hard to believe that we're one quarter through his first year, but each stage is better than the previous, so I think we have a lot to look forward to.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Watchin' T.V.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Belly Laughs
Lucas had his first laugh on Friday, June 30th, and his first all out belly laugh tonight.
Tonight Jeff was holding him and my mom and I were dishing out ice cream for everyone. I took a yellow bag of Nestle chocolate chips and danced it in front of his face - we were all surprised when he began to giggle! He kept it up for 2-3 minutes, but of course stopped as soon as we got out the video camera.
(I know that posts without pictures are boring, but since I use this blog as a journal I wanted to include this).
Tonight Jeff was holding him and my mom and I were dishing out ice cream for everyone. I took a yellow bag of Nestle chocolate chips and danced it in front of his face - we were all surprised when he began to giggle! He kept it up for 2-3 minutes, but of course stopped as soon as we got out the video camera.
(I know that posts without pictures are boring, but since I use this blog as a journal I wanted to include this).
The Beach
Lucas Bryant visited the beach today for the first time. As with the pool, he didn't think it was that big of a deal, but I had a good time taking pictures of him!
First time in the ocean

little sandy feet...
Check out Little Brother and Big Brother in this picture Grandpa hanging out with Lucas
Grandma sure does love Lucas...
So does Mommy....
We had a great visit :-)
Kiddie Pool
We took Lucas to the kiddie pool yesterday evening. He was pretty indifferent about the experience. I think he just thought he was taking a bath in a bigger tub.

Dad introducing Lucas to the pool

Lucas more interested in Dad's hair than the pool

Lucas with Mommy

Lucas taking a break with Grandma

Binkies even work in pools...

Sunday, July 02, 2006
First Trip to Florida
We are down in Florida visiting my parents for the long weekend. Yesterday we finally got Lucas together with his new friend, Hunter. Hunter is the seven wk old son of our friends Johnny and Erin. Johnny's parents have a condo down here and invited us all over for dinner last night.
Today we have more firsts for Lucas - a swim in the kiddie pool, little toes in the ocean, a view of the Discovery shuttle launch, and his first time without mom and dad as we go on our first "date" since Lucas's arrival.
Family picture by the ocean

Today we have more firsts for Lucas - a swim in the kiddie pool, little toes in the ocean, a view of the Discovery shuttle launch, and his first time without mom and dad as we go on our first "date" since Lucas's arrival.
Lucas asleep on the lounge chair by the pool. As soon as I set him on this chair he was out. He seems to really enjoy the constant beach breeze.

Apprantly Lucas doesn't like photo shoots with friends anymore - he's cried in like the past five that he's been in!

Erin and me with our baby boys

Lucas with his Grandpa

Lucas with his Dad

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