Lucas has always had a tiny bit of diaper rash, so we are going to use cloth diapers instead of disposables. We were using a service for about 5 weeks (they pick up your diapers weekly, wash them, and then return them to you), but they weren't dependable so were are going to do it ourselves now. I'm looking forward to it - the diapers these days have velcro and snaps, so no safety pins like when we were little. Here is Lucas sporting his new look (kind of bulky).

Watching the Brittish Open
I haven't been here in a while. My comment is about the "loyal Tech fan" in the UGA bed.
I was there that day -- I think you only told one side of the story!!! SGN
Thank you anonymous!! This "loyal Georgia Fan" appreciates the truth finally coming out!! :)
Those Tech fans are sneaky!
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